Eleanor has reached an exciting milestone in the last few weeks. She has started giving us some adorable social smiles. It started out as smiling at the fan, but now she likes to smile at us. All it takes is for Brad or me to talk to and smile at her, and she will give us a HUGE smile back. Her face lights up, her eyes crinkle, and her dimple comes out in full force. It is the cutest thing I've ever seen. It makes me so happy to know that she is smiling at ME. Not just the fan, but at her momma. I make my daughter smile!
No longer are these smiles fleeting or few and far between. Just about every time we talk to her, she breaks out into a big smile. It is the best part of my day. She loves to lay on her boppy and look up into our faces. She will smile and "talk" to us. When we talk to her, she coos and squeaks back to us as if we are having a conversation (which we are!). She also enjoys what we have dubbed "nakie time", where she gets to lay on the changing pad or a quilt with her diaper undone and kick her legs all around. I think she feels free without the diaper on! This is when she gives us some of the biggest smiles. She likes for us to rub her belly and give her lots of kisses.
One more thing that makes her smile is the Kermit hat from Disneyworld. Whenever Brad or I put it on, she gives us a big smile and maybe even a laugh or a squeak. I thought she might be scared of it, but she actually loves it! We put it on her just for fun. Isn't she the cutest thing ever?!?! (Answer: Yes)
Answer: Absolutely!